Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Welcome to H.A.L.O.’s interactive blog site. Being a Christian is about more then just going to church on Sunday’s. It is a fun adventures journey every single day! This site was created for teenagers to have a life transforming encounters with God then encouraging each other through their experiences. If you are a long-time believer, new believer, or even a non believer, we want to thank you for coming to this site an encourage you to walk this journey with us. What God reveals to you through this site will vary, but we encourage you to keep your heart open and stay with us.

This site was designed to empower teenagers to live a lifestyle as “agents of change” on earth. Jesus tells us to be the salt and light of the world. (Matthew 5:13-16) So we are to preserve, spice up, provide traction, and light up the lives of everyone around us. But, it starts with allowing God to do this for us.

There will be a variety of missions every week that I am asking all agents to participate in. There are no failures on a journey… the truth is WE ALL FALL SHORT (Romans 3:23) if a mission is not accomplished simply re-do it when you feel ready. Please provide comments and encouragement when you complete a mission so other agents can learn from your story.

The missions- if you choose to accept these missions you and God will explore your heart, your motives, your actions with the understanding that as a child of God you can no longer look like the world, you can no longer make sin a habit (I John 3:4-6). The goal of this journey is to become dead to yourself so God can use you, and you can walk with confidence knowing you are on the right path. This knowledge will ease anxieties, and take you to a level of peace and joy you never had. Spiritual Swagger!!!!!

The Weapons- All agents need weapons. I will be adding to your bunker through out the journey as needed. Please see below the weapons you have and how to use them.
• Sword- The Bible, there will be specific verses we will be looking at for each mission; it is encouraged to read these verses for yourself. If you do not have a sword , please see a commanding officer (HALO Leaders) and we will be sure you get one. Also use the concordance typically whatever you are feeling or need you can look up by word and it'll give you scriptures on it.
• Tour Guide- I am here as your Tour Guide. The battle is yours, but I am here to guide, encourage, give rest, give answers and prayer when it's needed. But, it's up to you to use me.

• Comlink- You have been blessed with a "communications link" AIM, FACEBOOK, TEXT, ETC. use these tools when you are in a tight situation of temptation This is your exit door!

More Weapons To Come...